Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Week

This past week had it's ups and downs.  Our new addition to the family (Neeka an Alaskan Husky) decided to escape our 6 ft. fence.  There was a board that had broken and we had no idea she could skinny through that small hole.  This was Wed. morning around 5:40AM.  Neeka is a runner and she runs fast so there was no telling how far she had gotten since we didn't know exactly when she escaped.  Danny walked the neighborhood... I grabbed Katherine and her back pack and drove the neighborhood in pitch dark.  At 6:30 we had not seen any sign of her.  I put a tearful Katherine on the bus and Danny and I decided to wait until it was light out to go look again.  I told Danny to open the gate to the backyard in case Neeka came back on her own.  Well that's what happened, Neeka just appeared in the backyard on her own around 7:15 AM.

We decided we needed to head up to the school to tell Katherine Neeka was home and safe so she wouldn't be upset all day at school.  We got there 5 min. before school started and were told we couldn't see her.  Our only option was to write a note to her.  I was mad.. really mad.  Danny said it's not like someone died, just let it go.  I kept saying they have no legal right to keep my child from me.... I turned into a mama bear protecting her cub.  I know it wasn't an emergency, but to be told I couldn't see my child!  OH NO!!!  Katherine came home and told me she got the note during lunch 1 hr. before school ended... now I was even more upset.  So after I calmed down some I e-mailed the principle.  I was nice in the e-mail but did express my anger in a polite manner.

Thursday morning I get a phone call, the principle wants to meet with us in his office Friday morning.  Oh I so did not want to meet the principle... but Danny and I went in... their explanation which I have a hard time believing, was they thought I wanted to see Katherine's teacher not Katherine.  I have serious doubts, but have chosen to believe the story and let them deal with their decision to lie if they did lie.  There are some behind the scene things going on also that I have no proof of that would let me believe there are other things going on... but since I have no proof I can't say much without looking like a paranoid idiot.  Now while I may occasionally be an idiot, I do not need to prove that fact for everyone... it will be my little secret. LOL

Friday evening... the highlight of my week.  My precious girl was honored during half time at the high school boys varsity basketball game.  I was so proud that she had been nominated for this honor, because she truly does make me proud.  She's not perfect and makes mistakes, but she has a very loving, caring and giving heart and she makes our whole family proud of her behavior.  We had a great time at the game.  I got into the game and was cheering... Danny was cheering a tad and Katherine finally got into it in the 4th period and started cheering too.  It was so much fun.  Below is a picture of Katherine with the basketball team and coach.  The coach made a very good short and sweet motivational speech and told the kids to stop the stinkin thinkin that tells them they can't do something.  He said if your brain tells you you can't do something add the word yet to the sentence.  I can't do this math problem YET!... I can't run a mile Yet!  I had just had this talk with Katherine I was so happy she could hear this from someone other than mom. Great ending to a rough week... and I am going to stop the stinkin thinkin myself.

Katherine is kneeling on the right.. navy blue Salinas shirt 4th one from the right.


by Kimberlee St. Clair said...

Wow. That was a crazy week. Glad you found your puppy. Big congrats to Katherine!