Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School 2009-2010

The day finally arrived and "K" had to go back to school as an all grown up 1st grader. She found out that her BFF was not going to be in her class anymore, but even though she was disappointed she did find out 3 other students from Kindergarten would be in class with her. She was so good, last year it was a week of tears, begging not to go on the school bus and mom, well she cried every time "K" cried.. so it was not the easiest thing to do.

This year.. smooth sailing. She had a great day, a moment of almost tears, but she stopped and found a way to be happy. She came home all smiles and laughing.. hope the whole year goes this well. Only problem... almost 1/2 hr. late getting home, the bus couldn't get out of the school parking lot... guess they have to iron out a few problems with the buses.. but other than that it was a great 1st day of the school year.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What a give a way!

Thanks to my friend Amy for posting this on her blog.. I took a chance and am posting the link on mine... so check out this give-a-way.. it's great!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Congrats to Miss "K"

My darling daughter passed not just one level in swim class this session but 2 levels! I'm so proud of her. She started out 4 weeks ago in level 1. The goal is to pass 1 level each session. She passed level 1 the first session and went to level 2. I thought she may or may not pass level 2, but today at the awards ceremony she surprised me and passed level 2 and level 3! SHE IS SO AWESOME!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My very Brave little Mermaid

It's been a long road.. okay almost 4 weeks... but "K" has finally conquered her fear of the diving board and can go off by herself. She has also tackled diving off the side of the pool. She makes me so proud. Now the hiding of her pork chop behind the couch.. not so proud... the lying about eating all her food.. not so proud. Jumping on the furniture.. not so proud. But improving at swimming and diving and facing her fear... wipes all the other away and I am a glowing, gushing, blubbering mama! 4 weeks ago "K" wouldn't even put her head under the water.. she is now swimming, doing the backstroke, the elementary backstroke and diving!! WAHOO!

OOPS! No water!

This is what we woke up to today. Katherine came running into the room asking if it was raining or had rained. I said no.. not for months now. She said mom there's a main break. We need to call it in. I called Danny at work and he said he had already called and it had been reported. Danny does this for a living, but not in our city in an adjacent city. So I thought how fun.. to document what daddy does for a living. We had no water.. hmmm wonder why? The severe drought and heat have caused the ground to shift and this makes water main breaks very common. This is the 4th one within a block of our house. They actually replaced a portion of pipe today. I feel for my husband and the other men that have to work in this heat.. it's brutal and hard work to dig and fix these leaks.