Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Don't Be Scared

I know.. it's been forever and a day since I posted anything. I'm not sure why I haven't posted other than losing my password, but after all I did figure it out a while back.

Lots of things to catch up on... this year we did not get season passes to Sea World and I really missed it. Hubs not so much. He says you go one time you've done it and you don't need to do it again. I say.. you've done it once you keep going back each time there is something new to discover. I know Katherine was a little disappointed, but I am hoping to get them this coming year.

Our poor little dog came down with Leptosporosis and we figured it came from the craptastic neighbors behind us. The house has been in need of repair (lots of people keep coming and going). Some people from Tennessee moved in and we thought we had finally some decent neighbors. They chatted and said they were fixing up the house and seemed really nice. 3 months later they packed up the house and left... leaving the house in shambles. So what did we find.. that house has rats (I say mice Hubs says rats... maybe I am in denial cause rats sound so much worse than a little tiny mouse... but both are gross). Well rats/mice spread the lepto and Hubs has caught 5 of these critters in our backyard that we share with the craptastic neighbors. Anyway... long story short and lots of money later our darling dog pulled out of a very serious case and survived surprising the vet and us. We love him and you'd never know he has permant kidney damage from the 3 week ordeal. We've learned alot and we are so thankful that he found the strength to fight and get back to normal.

Katherine started the 2nd grade (can't belive she's that old) and she's doing so well. Her challenge this year was that she was put in a class with all new kids. She is still trying to find a best friend in her class, but she still has her besties from Kinder and 1st grade even if they aren't in the same class. I am proud to announce for the first quarter she did have straight A's. We are so proud of her.

Katherine & Mrs. Garcia

We have also been lucky enough to have family that have allowed us to use their property in the country to go have a good time and get away from the city... it's so peaceful and pretty there.. here is a sunset picture

Katherine and Hubs in the RTV... it's fun to ride around and explore.

here our our little puppies (poopies)

Since life is calling and I need to get chores around the house done, I'll close this post with Katherine's birthday portrait... more to come later. I'm posting this now so I don't forget.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I know I haven't blogged in forever, but I lost my password and just now figured out how to get into my blog to post... So much to Catch up on, so little time. I promise more blog entries to follow... In the meantime here is one of my favorite pictures from mother's day 2007... my little baby isn't a baby anymore... she's a big second grader starting tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Interesting Conversation with Katherine

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with my 7 yr. old.

Katherine: Mom don't throw out the empty Dr. Pepper bottle in the refrigerator.

Mom: Why?

Katherine: It's got my voice in it... ya wanna hear?

Mom: No! Don't let your voice escape. How'd your voice get in the bottle?? Ursula and

Katherine: Yup! Just like the little mermaid.

My question is.. why do we need to store her voice in the refrigerator??? I'm all for preserving her sweet little girl voice. I know when she's 16 I'll be longing for it.