Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Proud Mama

Yesterday I got a call at work that Katherine was throwing up yet again at school. I rushed out of work to get her. Well this time she didn't just bounce back after a couple of hours. She was sick all night. I went to work today and around 9:45 Danny called me to tell me he never sent Katherine to school because she was still throwing up. I said okay... call the doctor and see if we can get her in because she'll dehydrate. Sure enough after going into the doctor he sent us over to the hospital for rush blood work. They took her CO2 level which they wanted between 17 and 23, she was at 17. So tada!!!! An IV was on the menu. So my brave little girl who started crying at the thought of a blood draw did not cry once when the drew the blood or when they put the IV in... they even had to fish a little for the vein. She was so good! I couldn't be more proud of my little trooper. She did get to watch Barbie and the Nutcracker and Shark Tales all on her very own privately wheeled in DVD player they had in the room. By the time we left she had downed a can of Gatorade and sucked up her IV. Thanks to some anti nausea meds she kept everything down for now. Now we wait to see if her stomach has settled and she can eat real food. She's already requesting a chocolate shake and what else... McDonald's! I just wish I had my camera to document the event. The pediatric area was sooo nice in the hospital. They had all kinds of cool things they even had aquatic scenes over the fluorescent light fixtures in the ceiling. And the weirdest of weird happened. The lady who admitted us to the hospital was the sister of Katherine's favorite daycare teacher Miss Robin, small world. Anyway... I'm so proud and so happy we are home now. Nothing is ever dull around here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Making her debut.... Miss Kendall

Here's a picture of my adorable niece.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome Kendall

Kendall Hargrave was born on 3-18-2009 weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 20" long. Welcome to the world little one. Can't wait to see you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Easter Pictures.

My Interesting Weekend

Okay... first I thought seriously about posting this as I don't really like to post anything that could be negative or hurt someones feelings... However I am making an exception here because I doubt anyone involved would read this blog, it's the truth and because I need to have a release.

Saturday was a classmate of Katherine's birthday party. It was at Mr. Gatti's pizza. There is a pretty nice game room for the kids to play in, including bumper cars and a carnival ride not to mention tunnels and arcade games. Katherine loved the bumper cars. In fact I got her father to do it with her and he had never done bumper cars. However that is not was bothered me. What bothered me was the birthday boy and his mom were late in arriving. We were waiting in the lobby for about 15 minutes for them to show. Then it seemed like the mom was drunk. She was soooo loud and obnoxious and she seemed very passive aggressive towards one of the parents. Now I could be totally wrong, maybe she is just naturally a little different and loud. But my gut tells me there was something wrong there. Anyway... after 5 hours at the pizza place because Katherine was having so much fun playing with her bestest friend in the whole world. I had enough and I had a slight headache too.

Okay... now we are home and Danny and I are craving nachos. I personally was thinking a nacho bell grande from Taco Bell, but my hubby says Taco Bell is a dirty word around here. In fact most San Antonian's tell me that too. But hey I grew up on it and I still get a craving now and then. But noo... we went to Chacho's for their King Kong nachos. These things are huge! We get 1/2 order and we can't even make a dent in them. But I digress... when we park at the restaurant I get out and this lady is standing there crying with a cell phone and charger in her hand. She tells me she's been kicked out of her home, has two daughters and needs $5 to buy some dinner for them. She'll gladly sell me her phone for $5. I tell her keep the phone and hand her a $5 bill... it was a miracle that I had cash on me. I was feeling good about helping someone who seemed down and out... then it hit me. She was probably lying. My hubby who I love so very much, starts laughing at me and said well you just gave her money for her fix... she's probably at the corner gas station getting drunk. He continued to laugh and tell me that she's feeling no pain now. IRRR! I mean I know she was probably lying to me and that I was "taken"... but I know times are tough right now, and well I just wanted to help. We aren't making tons of money, but Danny and I both have fairly secure jobs and we have money for the things we need. I don't even know why I am letting this eat at me... I mean it was only $5.

So with the long day at a very loud kid friendly pizza place and then the down and out mom... I just had enough. I am sooo glad the weekend is over.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Barbie

FYI my daughter has a massive addiction to Barbie. I thought Danny's niece TM was obsessed with barbie when she was Katherine's age, but my daughter is so much worse. Anyway... I heard on the news Monday that is was Barbie's birthday and she was 50 years old. Well I called Katherine at home and asked her if she knew what day it was... she said ummmm Monday? I said yes it's Monday, but what else? She gave up. I said it's Barbie's birthday. All your Barbies are having a birthday today. She was so excited. Now.. what's a birthday with out a birthday cake? Lucky for me I had some cupcakes in the house... so we had a little impromptu birthday celebration complete with Daddy, Mommy and Katherine singing happy birthday to barbie. I so know my hubby loves us because if he didn't there is no way on this earth he would have sung happy birthday to a stinking barbie doll!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Here is my little princess... she walked out of her bedroom in this get up and begged for me to take her picture... this was after she had cooked all day long making me the most delicious salad on earth.

Home Depot isn't just for Boys!

For those of you who aren't aware every 1st Saturday of the month Home Depot offers a kid's workshop for free. My sister Shauna told me about this a couple of years go and ever since we have not missed one workshop. It's fun to watch how much Katherine has grown... at first she wouldn't lift the hammer now she can really hammer those nails in. We have made boats, fire engines, castles, boxes, flower pots, stools, a bird house and many more things. Today it was a race track. Danny usually supervises this projects, but today he was on call and working so Katherine invited Grandma and Pop Pop to come along. We used Pop Pop and girl power to make our race track. When you are done they give you a little pin you can put on your Home Depot apron... we counted today and Katherine has 18 pins... my how time flies.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The love of a child

A little background here... I work an early shift so that I am home when Katherine gets home from school. This means I work 5:30 AM until 2:00 PM. When Friday rolls around I am very tired. Katherine wanted to have McDonald's for dinner... I gave my usual answer... ask daddy. He was also too tired to go to McDonald's. She pouted a bit and we had the "talk" about it's okay to be upset about the decision, but it was not acceptable to throw a temper tantrum.

Around 6:30 I called Katherine and jokingly said where's my dinner, it's your turn to cook. She thought for a moment and said I know I'll cook you some salad. I said, no I don't want salad. I want beanie wienies.. Katherine rolled her eyes and said no, I can't reach that. Then I told her I wanted McDonald's.. she said I don't have any money. I said what about the money in your bank from the tooth fairy. So my loving daughter went and emptied the bank fully intending to buy me McDonald's. I laughed and said I was only kidding... I would like a glass of water with ice for dinner. She said no mama that's not dinner. She then took off... about 5 minutes later she came in with a bowl of salad. Complete with croutons and ranch dressing. She was soooo cute, I tasted it and told her it was the best salad I ever tasted. And it really was... it was the only salad I have ever had that was made with so much love. She said mama I think you have a cook in the making... I said well it's so delicious I love this salad. Her reply was well you should it took me all day to cook it. I love my little baby girl.... she amazes me every day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Katherine's New Love Interest

Is this not a cutie pie?? Can my daughter pick 'em? This is the 4th boy she was going to marry this year. It was kind of funny a month or so ago we went to CiCi's pizza for dinner and cutie pie was there with his dad and brother. Katherine sat facing him about 2 booths away. The were flirting so bad. Popping their heads up until the other one saw them and then ducking under the table. We even had to go to the bathroom so we could walk by his table and she could see him. AHHHH young love.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Friday I attended Katherine's first field trip. What an experience. There were 500+ pre-kinder and kinder kids at the theatre. I thought it would be Katherine's school of 6 kinder classes... nope 4 schools were in attendance and there were 6 bus loads of kids. I was having heart palpitations. But it went very smooth. I did have a minor mishap, I took a little boy to the bathroom. Half way there I realized he is the "trouble" maker in class. The little boy who I explain to Katherine is not "bad" just makes bad choices. Katherine is still waiting to see him make a "good" choice. Anywho... I take him to the boys room and he comes out asking for help with his belt. I look at it and I am stumped. I only know how little girl belts work. After he coached me I managed to undo it. Then I hear water and very strong stream of water and I am thinking what do I do?? Do I go in to see is he made another bad choice to play in the sink or heaven forbid the toilet? Lucky for me another little boy's dad was also there and he went in and made sure good choices were made.

The field trip was going to see a play called "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie". It was an adaptation of the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff. It was soooo sooo cute. It was an hour long and Katherine's attention span is not, but she did quite well all things considered. I am so lucky to have a job where I can take time off pretty easily so I can attend field trips, assemblies and parties at school. Danny was wonderful... not quite sure if he didn't trust me or was worried about my safety in downtown San Antonio, but he drove me down there and walked around for about 4 hrs. while we did our field trip. He even delivered a hot lunch from the sandwich shop further down in the park. He was not allowed to be near the kids because he did not take the parent volunteer class at school. Next year I think he will take it with me just so he has the option, Katherine sure wanted him to see the play with us. I can't wait for the next field trip!