Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's been a long time

We'll so much for me keeping up on the blogging... but I am going to try again. This year Katherine asked us to let her take cheer leading classes. I had asked her in the past about it and she always said NO!.... this time she asked me so I thought I should at least try. The classes are offered on a pay as you go basis and you can choose to perform for the San Antonio Spurs at one of their games and in the St. Patrick's Day parade... she chose to do both. Here is a video of her first rehearsal for the performances.. this is in addition to her class routines she is learning. She is in the teal tank top and black bicycle shorts.

I'm so proud of her... as my brother told me she suffers from CRD (Caucasian rhythm disorder). She is also doing this without any of her friends being involved which is major in her life. She only learned these moves today in an hour and a half clinic. She sure is growing up fast.


by Kimberlee St. Clair said...

Holy cow she is getting so grown up! And so brave! I've been a blog slacker...I'm just catching up. I love hearing your updates via facebook!